Visual Merchandising
Forma Brands 2020-22, VM Graphics
Designed and produced a variety of printed materials for Morphe’s fixtures. These display fixtures were featured in all Morphe retail stores across U.S, Canada, and Australia. Designed creative for multi-branded stories, pulled images, adhered to third party brand style guides, and adapted campaign toolkits.

Multi-Branded Story-Skin Focused, January '22

Make It Big Repulse Campaign, March '22

Sweetest Tea Collection, Valentine's Day Campaign, and Lip Story, February '22

Morphe X Nyane, February '22

Morphe X Nyane, Morphe X Ashley Strong, February '22

Good Light, Third Party Brand March '22

Dragun Beauty, Third Party Brand

Morphe X Pony Collab, November '21

Morphe X Pony Collab, November '21

Disney & Friends Collab, October '21

Morphe 9-Pan Palettes, December '21